We all knew what Hastert was up to

We all knew what Hastert was up to

My least favorite Speaker of the House – and that’s really saying something when you consider my feelings for Ms. Pelosi – is back in the Trib today and it ain’t for a good reason!
If you recall, that paper just exposed the fact that Denny Hastert has been using his free five-year retirement office, a perk you and I pay for, to conduct personal business. But we already knew that, didn’t we! We know exactly what kind of person the former speaker is. 
Of course, Hastert denies any malfeasance, but that would be like me trying to deny I’m white. David John, a Burr Ridge businessman told the Tribune he met with Hastert in that very office at least three times to discuss non-speaker related projects and Hastert’s government provided assistant helped to coordinate those private business efforts.
As if it wasn’t bad enough that Hastert went into politics with virtually nothing and came out of it worth $6 million, he has to keep living on the taxpayer dole even after his “retirement.” Here’s the damage so far:
1. The office will cost taxpayers $2 million before he’s forced to shut it down Nov. 30.
2. At it’s zenith the office employed three separate former Hastert staffers who were pulling down six figures each.
3. Hastert currently receives two pensions totaling $106,000 per year.
And where are all the Kendall County “less government” Republicans who’ve been so recently shouting “socialism” at every political turn? Where’s all the outrage? Where’s the Tea Party?
Why, I’ve heard nary a whisper. And pray tell which is worse, a tax and spend Democrat who does exactly what he said he was gonna do or a “less government” retired Republican official who doesn’t?
No need to answer that one – I already know. Pigs at the trough!

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