Since I’d face the equivalent of a journalistic firing squad if I failed to swiftly offer my post-election analysis, let’s get on with it! 1.
Month: June 2022
They nailed it!
Pineapple Studios and Eric Benson deserve a boatload of credit for finally doing my fascinating Unabom history justice. And they managed to do it in
It’s twofer Tuesday! So, since my adoring public demanded it, in addition to posting today’s column, here’s a brief DOA Podcast update on the Shadwick
How Roe v. Wade was really overturned
The Party of FDR and JFK has become the Party of LOL and WTF. – Bill Maher All the howling, shrieking, and rending of garments
The true story of Jeff Ward and the Unabom investigation finally comes out!
I know what you’re thinking! “Jeff! You’ve semi-regularly made reference to the fact that you were the prime suspect in the Unabomb investigation for at
DOA covers the Shadwick King murder retrial
For the uninitiated, a jury convicted Shadwick King of his wife Kathleen’s murder back in 2015. It was Geneva, Illinois’, first murder in some 48
Illinois makes drunk sex illegal
It is difficult to make our material condition better by the best law, but it is easy enough to ruin it by bad laws. –
A hate crime? Really?
Oh sure, its fine when a monkey does it. But when I throw barrels at an Italian plumber, they call it a hate crime! –
The demise of Richard Irvin – the podcast!
If you think you have the full story on the collapse of the Richard Irvin gubernatorial campaign from last Thursday’s column, you would be sadly
Stick a fork in Richard Irvin, he’s done!
Liar, liar pants on fire. – Author Unknown Considering this writer was a crucial part of Richard Irvin’s first successful mayoral run, a number of