Like most of you, reading the horrific details of A. J. Freund’s too-short life makes me want to punch some suspect folks squarely in the
Month: April 2019
Quick Hits – On orchestra teachers, school boards, and IWIIMBY
Now, we all know what NIMBY stands for, but you’d think, much like Newton’s Third Law predicts, there’d be some sort of equal and opposite
Quick Hits – “Chalk” it up to an irate citizen!
My favorite all-time sitcom – by a longshot – is ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’ And one of my favorite episodes is 1964’s ‘Barney Sidecar’ in
Quick Hits – Racism is the last refuge to which the scoundrel clings
Just when you thought the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Jussie Smollett absolution fallout couldn’t possibly dive any further into the Twilight Zone, it does just
Quick Hits – Why do Democrats insist upon dooming themselves?
I’m using the word “doom” as in Mr. Santayana’s particularly prescient proposition that those who fail to pay attention will soon start feeling like they’re
Quick Hits – April 15, 2019
Doomed to repeat it! Oh lord! You’d a thunk the City of Elgin would’ve learned something from that whole ‘American Nocturne’ public art debacle, but
Quick Hits – A plus-sized double standard!
It would suddenly seem that consumer businesses are in a race to break down social barriers by tackling some interesting social issues in their advertising.
Quick Hits – Critical thinking really is critical!
Oh lord, did I take a boatload of crap for Friday’s column castigating the press for falling for the Pitzen hoax. Then, weighing in on
Quicks Hits – CNN tries to cover Chicago? Right!
Today’s topic was gonna be how conservatives can’t govern their way out of a plastic shopping bag, but that one will have to wait for
Quick Hits – When the media falls for a hoax, we’re all bleeped!
If, after their botched “coverage” of the Timmothy Pitzen “story,” the media still wonders why they’re generally loathed, utterly untrusted, and the term “fake news”