Month: January 2016
Quick Hits – January 29, 2016
Rich Miller? If, for some strange reason, you still need proof that Governor Rauner is utterly incapable of governing, look no further than his decision
This is the January 28th edition of Left, Right and You!
First we want to thank Daily Herald reporter Jim Fuller for calling in and offering a different perspective on one of their candidate profile
Get ready for Left, Right and you!
Oh! Do we have topics today folks: South Elgin is at it again The DH misses an interesting coyote double entendre The Elburn Village Board
Quick Hits – January 28, 2016
Can you say disingenuous? I knew you could! One of the profile questions the DH posed to the two KC County Chairman candidates is this:
The unpublished Daily Herald candidate profiles!
In a continuing effort to prove that truth is stranger that fiction, I just beat the Daily Herald to their own material! And by “material”
Quick Hits – January 27, 2016
On the futility of political feuds Everyone knows there’s no lost love between Kane County Chairman Chris Lauzen and his 25th District Illinois State Senate
Quick Hits – January 26, 2016
Some statewide officials do a great job! And one of them is Treasurer Michael Frerichs. At 10 o’clock this morning he’ll hold a press conference
Quick Hits – January 25, 2016
The Kane County Chairman’s race – Part I I really have to give GOP primary candidate Ken Shepro credit for not only recovering from what
This is the January 25, 2016 edition of Left, Right and You
And we want to thank former LR&Y co-host and 66th District State Rep candidate Allen Skillicorn for coming on the show and answering our