When did that happen?
There is a theory among quantum physicists that every possibility that can happen, does happen. It’s called “The Many Worlds Theory” and it posits that whenever we make a choice, we immediately branch off into an alternate quantum universe that’s the direct result of that action.
And I’ve never believed in it until now, but it’s the only conceivable explanation for this possibility.
Fox News analyst Sally Kohn just lambasted GOP VP contender Paul Ryan’s convention speech because, as she put it, “anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to facts, Ryan’s speech was an apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech.”
She then went on to chide Ryan for all the things he didn’t mention; his plan to turn Social Security over to Wall Street, his aiding and abetting of W’s massive deficit, and his budget that “eviscerates” programs that help the poor.
I’m really not trying to play partisan here, it’s just that I never thought anything like this would ever occur in my lifetime. Either it’s time to play the lottery or hide in the basement, I’m not sure which. You can read the whole column here.