The best column on those insipid Shades of Grey books yet

The best column on those insipid Shades of Grey books yet

In her Sunday Sun-Times column, Carol Marin takes the best selling selling book apart for being “poorly written” and adds, “I want to warn young women away from this twisted, cynical… crap.”
And I thought I was blunt.  Ms. Marin is my new journalistic hero!
What is it about women that they’ll fall for any story in which the “heroine” improbably meets and somehow changes a warped rich dude. So now it’s Billionaire BDSM fairy tales? As Bill Maher so eloquently put it, “Someone has to tell the housewives who are reading the “mommy-porn” trilogy… that there’s a man with a hard-on in the bed right next to you.”

One thought on “The best column on those insipid Shades of Grey books yet

  1. Jeff . . . .I have always liked Carol Marin and I couldn’t agree with her more on this topic! I think it is ridiculous that this author is being compared to the likes of J.K Rowling! Incredible! I guess it’s a sign of the times . . . . or E.L.James just happened to be at the right place at the right time . . .but to give this much attention to someone who clearly cannot write . . . is beyond me! Thanks for sharing Carol’s column.

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