Republicans are the Party of family values alright!

Republicans are the Party of family values alright!

Anyone who makes fun of Vice-Presidential candidate Tim Walz’ neurodivergent son Gus is a worthless piece of shit – no exceptions. And anyone who tries to justify it by claiming the Democrats had a go at Barron Trump is a fucking worthless piece of shit with all the emotional maturity of a second grader.

No one of any import, and certainly no liberal pundit, has ever made fun of Donald Trump’s youngest son. And the only press mentions I can find include speculation as to what college the young man is attending. It’s hardly the stuff of dozens legend.

But that basic common decency didn’t begin to dissuade the likes of Ann Coulter, conservative Wisconsin radio host Jay Weber, and a host of other MAGA morons from trashing Gus’s tearful reaction to his father’s rousing Democratic Convention speech. For reference purposes, Walz’ 17-year-old son suffers from a nonverbal learning disorder as well as ADHD and anxiety.

Ah! But the two conservative clowns who truly went above and beyond the rest when it came to leaving no doubt about who they really are two of Chicago’s very own – WIND’s Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, the co-hosts of The Morning Answer show.

All I can say is, if they’re the “answer” then I really don’t want to know the question.

“What’s the deal with [Walz’s] kid?” Proft asked. “Can somebody get Gus Walz some Ritalin?”

“Well, he’s excited,” Jacobson replied as she started to mock Walz’s “that’s my dad,” exclamation while pretending to cry, randomly pointing, and repeating the phrase over and over again.

Nice! But what do you expect from a man who, armed with Robert Uihlein’s money, has singlehandedly turned the Illinois Republican Party into an unelectable laughingstock. I’d say Proft has all the morals and intelligence of a rutting pig, but that would be a vast disservice to intelligent rutting pigs everywhere.

As for Jacobson, what do you expect from a woman who’s so morally bankrupt that she was fired from a major Chicago TV news station for using her tits to get a story. Though to be fair, those implants are the only reason Channel 7 hired her in the first place.

Of course, as is always the case with today’s MAGA snowflakes, the second Proft and Jacobson had to endure the slightest backlash they started blubbering uncontrollably, begged for their mommies, and blamed everyone else but themselves for their callous stupidity.

Well, not Proft who issued a heartless perfunctory apology because that’s all that irredeemable piece of shit is capable of. Not to be outdone, Jacobson actually had the nerve to say, “I would have reacted differently if I had the additional information. I had no idea he had any type of learning disability or ADHD.” 

Oh! So it’s OK for a syndicated radio personality to make fun of a minor child – ON THE AIR – as long as they have no obvious issues? What a fucking complete waste of flesh. I wonder what her two sons think of their mother now?

“Geez Jeff! It seems like you’re taking this thing kind of personally.”

That’s because I am. And that’s because, with some significant variation, I was Gus Walz growing up. Though I generally refuse to bitch about it because no one cares, I can’t tell you how much fun it was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s when the word “neurodiversity” wasn’t even in the dictionary.

My good friends know that I sit well out on the autism spectrum, and just to make things a little more interesting, I’m the proud owner of one of the finest warp speed ADHD brains with a little OCD thrown in for good measure. Anxiety doesn’t even begin to describe my early life. It may be a superpower now, but I wouldn’t wish my youth on anyone.

The irony is that most people refuse to believe it when I try to explain that, in many ways, I’m still that same introvert. Thankfully, a fascinatingly dysfunctional family “encouraged” me to make friends to get out of the house, and accidentally becoming a columnist forced me to learn how to play the extrovert. But there were times during those early Beacon-News days when I’d be completely drained after having to interact with so many editors, reporters, politicians, and sources just to finish one or two weekly columns.

As you might imagine, it was a tough go on the bullying front growing up, particularly in Catholic school, but at least I can say that no adult ever made fun of me. In fact, supportive adults changed my life in the most positive ways.

Of course, WIND, an immaterial station that sold their soul long ago, won’t fire these two bleeps, but Proft was booted from the board of Envision Unlimited, a disability advocacy group. As they put it, Proft, “made comments that were wholly inconsistent with our values and code of ethics, and at their core, are insensitive and insulting to the very people and families that we serve.”

No irony there, right?

Meanwhile a group of Amundsen High School parents are in the process of removing Jacobson as volleyball coach. One can only surmise how she treats the B-team.

But beyond these two assholes, isn’t this exactly what the once proud Party of Lincoln has become? I’m so sick and tired of the playground nicknames, the constant lying, the two-year-old egos, the porn stars, the abject failure to govern, making fun of disabilities, the infidelities, calling veterans and war heroes “suckers” and “losers,” the multiple felonies, and the constant butthurt bitching from an incompetent and emotionally crippled orange jackass.

And I’m even more sick of the self-proclaimed good Christians who openly support this piece of shit. Do they really think St. Peter is going to greet them with open arms when their time comes? Oh! To be a fly on the cloud to watch the terror in their eyes when they realize what’s about to happen.

So, here’s what I’m gonna do about it.

I’ve been voting in even-year elections since 1979. During that entire time, I’ve never voted a straight ticket, preferring to choose candidates on the basis of their merit, or lack thereof. Those candidates have been Republican far more often than not, too. But that’s all going to change in November when I vote straight Democrat for the very first time. And I’d encourage the rest of you to follow my lead because the fastest way to release Trump’s death grip on the political process is to prove he’s the loser he’s always been.

Who the fuck makes fun of a neurodivergent 17-year-old? Who the fuck publicly makes fun of any minor child on the air? Fuckin’ assholes!



Bowing to the inevitable, immediately after I finished this column the worthless piece of shit known as Amy Jacobson resigned her post as Amundsen High School’s boy’s and girl’s volleyball coach. Now she can crawl back under the WIND rock where she belongs.

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