Quick Hits – December 11, 2019

Quick Hits – December 11, 2019

With the local races covered, let’s catch up on some old stories!

The walls are closing in on Judge John Dalton

Throughout my coverage of that poor excuse for a human being, I’ve consistently encouraged people to report Judge Dalton to the Judicial Inquiry Board and reasonably reach out to the press in an effort to expose his continuing courtroom antics.


And I’m happy to report that the press is beginning to pick up on this story. PJ Media’s Megan Fox reached out to me last week, we had a 40-minute conversation, she spoke with other sources, and then she wrote an excellent piece explaining exactly why Dalton should be removed from the bench.

You can read that column right here. She even quoted me correctly!

But I’m even happier to report that, as the result of this new scrutiny and yours truly regularly planting his butt in courtroom 101, Judge Dalton is suddenly behaving. You see, it’s never been a question of whether he could be reasonable, it’s always been a question of whether he chooses to be reasonable.

And with his job is on the line, apparently, he’s quite capable of letting the sadistic schtick go. Keep the pressure on him people and the JIB will have to do something.


Put recording equipment in every Kane County courtroom

In a previous column I insisted that, as soon as he was situated, brand new Kane County Chief Judge Clint Hull should insert a court reporter in Dalton’s courtroom. My theory was, if former Chief Judge Susan Boles could put one in Judge Joseph Grady’s courtroom after he allegedly made one racist comment, considering Dalton’s vast horror stories, it’s a no brainer to do the same thing to him.

But there’s an easier solution!

I was talking with one of my favorite attorneys yesterday, and she noted that DuPage, Kendall and DeKalb Counties all record all courtroom proceedings, and then a pool of court reporters transcribes it later.

Clint Hull
Judge Hull

I’m only in the preliminary inquiry stages, but I haven’t been able to ferret out the reason this hasn’t happened in Kane County.

Not only would this technology end Dalton’s reign of terror, but it would actually save money in the form of fewer court reporters. So, I’m, once again, encouraging Judge Hull to apply this generally accepted technology sooner rather than later.

I’m already approaching the County Board to see that this happens and I certainly hope His Honor understands just how serious I am about this.


Naperville City Councilman Kevin Coyne speaks!

So, first we had the Buffalo Wild Wings incident, and then, a scant three weeks later, a Naperville Central High School freshman was arrested and charged with a hate crime for posting a Craiglist “slave for sale” ad complete with photographs of a black classmate.

Oh no! Naperville isn’t racist at all.

Kevin Coyne

Considering his very public demand for Naperville State Rep Anne Stava-Murray resignation after she took her hometown to task for their “white supremacist policies” on social media, I asked Councilman Coyne to respond to the second major Naperville racist incident in just three weeks.

Here’s what he had to say unedited in any way:

I believe Naperville is one of the most welcoming and safest communities in America. There have been a few terribly unfortunate racial incidents of late which must be, and are being, dealt with. The perpetrators of these hateful incidents rightfully suffered significant consequences for their actions (job loss and/or criminal prosecution). Their terrible actions do not define our community. 

I had my say and now Councilman Coyne has had his. The rest is up to Naperville.


An Elgin City Council ethics Ordinance?

So, suddenly becoming aware of new-ish Elgin City Councilman Baldemar Lopez’ registered lobbyist proclivities, Mayor Dave Kaptain is asking the City Council to consider an ethics ordinance correctly claiming, “Elgin should prohibit city council members from engaging in lobbying activities.”

Like myself, the Mayor has a keen perception of the obvious.

But what’s kind of strange about this becoming an issue now is, I knew Lopez was a lobbyist in March long before WBEZ exposed his Com Ed connection. How did I know? Because I used his Cook County registered lobbyist photo in one of my columns. This is that photograph:


I didn’t think much of it at the time because I figured, if I knew, then the City of Elgin must know too, because it had to be disclosed on the Economic Interest Statement Lopez was required to file with his nominating paperwork.

C’mon! No candidate would be stupid enough to omit something that obvious. But then it struck me! What if he didn’t disclose it on his EIS? That would be exactly the kind of perjury that would open him to criminal prosecution.

Unfortunately, the Elgin City Clerk doesn’t post City Council candidate petitions online, so I’ve just issued a FOIA in that regard. And if Mr. Lopez did not disclose that important fact, I will have what can only be described as a fascinating conversation with the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office.

Stay tuned!

5 thoughts on “Quick Hits – December 11, 2019

  1. That hate crime is vastly overcharged
    The kids were friends on same sports team. Victim supposedly new picture taken and maybe even knew of ad before being sent. So charge kid as a felon pretty much screws up life. At least they did not transfer case to adult court
    I also take exception to Judge Judy as to juvenile courts. None of what she said is true around here. Juvenile court judges are all attorneys and either full circuit or associate judges. Proceedings closed to public. I believe reporters can go into court but cannot report names. At least I know they were in courtrooms in DuPage but were admonished as what they could say
    And all parties are represented and have own attorney including children

  2. One of Lopez’s first fundraisers was in Chicago. He belongs in another town. Unfortunately his opponents split the votes that would’ve beat him. Can’t wait till he moves on. I’m proud of Rose for taking a stand against him.

  3. Jeff – I have no doubt that this Dalton is just what you say he is, but I have to say I’m kind of disappointed that you were quoted in PJ Media, one of the most rabidly right-wing websites around. I mean, just look at some of the crap on their home page. “Five Times Obama Abused His Power and Democrats Didn’t Care”? Seriously?

    1. Jeff we both know Dalton needs to go. I hate the man fir what he’s done to me. But I like to call a spade a spade. Kara lost her child which is terrible, but her tactics in Daltons courtroom lost her her children. She was more obsessed in making sure dad wasn’t in the children’s life. Her allegations against the babies daddy went as far as putting her 4 year old daughter through 4 rape tests that all came back negative. Kara’s own therapist said she was a danger to her kids. I’m wouldn’t be surprised if these bruises didn’t appear until Kara picked them up and then rushed to the hospital claiming abuse. The woman is completely insane and she used her kids as pawns because she hated her X boyfriend and went to some very twisted acts to make sure he wouldn’t be in the kids lives. As far as the memory stick with child porn on it, I’m sure she had something to do with that as well. I’ve watched this woman in Daltons courtroom many times, she’s mentally 1000% worst than the mother in the movie “Mommy Dearest”. Again, I would love to see Dalton go because he is a sorry excuse for a human being, but again, she was more of a danger to those kids than anyone else could have ever been. It wouldn’t surprise me if she’s brought up on charges for her son’s death. That woman doesn’t belong in society and used many weak minded people to make her point of her game. You even emailed me and admitted she fucked you as well. Anyone that woman associates with gets fucked. Excuse my French.
      The family courtroom in Kane County is a profit maker for that newer jail. You want to open eyes in Kane County? Start by obtaining copies of contracts from suppliers. Example, the phone system prior to the one they are using now clearly stated if Kane County “Keeps 475 heads daily in the jail” they would be rewarded “kickback” 30% of the phone profits. It sucks to go to court there on a misdemeanor when the head count is at 460 because you know your spending the night for blowing a stop light. Bob Barker supplies clothing, soap, shoes, toothpaste, combs and every other toiletry needed, I would love to see that contract. That whole place in Kane County is a scam and plenty of people that understand how the back office works there knows it.
      Anyways, Kara’s false story by you and PJ is shocking to see, but hey, the media loves to post whatever more than they do actual facts. However, I do follow you and enjoy many of your posts, but you are way off on Kara’s story.

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