Quick Hits – December 1, 2017

Quick Hits – December 1, 2017

Local race roundup – Part two

Having covered the countywide and judicial races on Wednesday, let’s move on to the Kane County Board contests, because there certainly are plenty of them, In fact, with all of the odd numbered district seats up in 2018, none of ‘em failed to generate some sort of challenger.

And the applicable phrase for these electoral showdowns, boys and girls, is “proxy war!” Can you say “proxy war?” I knew you could!


District 1

This Aurora District pits two-term incumbent Myrna Molina against challenger Blanca Rodriguez.

Molina is a rather unique and quiet board member whom I’ve never quite been able to figure out. But since every board needs that kind of dimension, I’ve never had a problem with her, either. She also has a razor sharp wit which I’ve always appreciated.

Meanwhile, Ms. Rodriguez, who generally votes in presidential election cycles only, is clearly supported by Chairman Chris Lauzen. How do I know this? Her nominating petition signature sheets are signed and notarized the political operative with whom Lauzen tends to work.

But when you add Molina’s incumbency to the fact that most folks really don’t care about who their county board member is, if she’s willing to work the district, Myrna will run away with it.

Chris! If you’re going to run candidates against sitting board members, a practice I don’t recommend, you really shouldn’t be this obvious about it. It always motivates the other side.

By the way, there’s no Republican candidate in this one.


District 3

This is another Aurora race with incumbent Don Ishmael facing challenger Anita Marie Lewis.

Considering how much the gig aggravates him, I can’t imagine why Ishmael, my Chinese Jewish brother from another mother, would want to endure a second round, but he does. I appreciate Don’s ornery temperament (the world needs a lot more ornery), but it doesn’t work well in the kind of governing body that always requires a consensus

That said, the curious thing about Lewis is, not only do the Party databases tag her as a “Strong Republican,” an appellation that’s hard to earn, but she’s pulled a GOP ballot in every primary since 2006. That hasn’t stopped her from running a Democrat, however.

So, I firmly believe the Chairman is behind her candidacy as well.

The bottom line is, Ishmael is one of the few board Kane County politicians who truly knows how to campaign, so if he wants it, the seat is his.

Again, there’s no Republican candidate in this race.


District 5

Incumbent Bill Lennert will face Democrat Sandra King in November. I’m ready to call this one for Lennert right now because, all Trump bullshit aside, no Democrat will EVER will this Sugar Grove and Big Rock county board district.

Please understand, I have nothing against Ms. King and I applaud her for running. It’s just that you can’t ignore some political realities.

Bill’s done a pretty good job, too.


District 7

We’re back in Aurora again with two-term incumbent Monica Silva being challenged by the politically active Brian Gravenhorst who, according to his very lengthy voting record, is even more Republican than Ms. Lewis is.

So, we all know who’s supporting him in this Democratic primary.

I’ve always been fond of Monica and I’ve watched her grow into the kind of strong, independent, Latina board member that we could certainly use a few more of. But sadly, after a few disagreements, with the Chairman, he’s targeting her, too.

Aside from not being a Democrat, the most interesting thing about Gravenhorst is he got none of his own signatures, which doesn’t bode well for his work ethic. If Monica knocks on the right doors (and, trust me, she will), that third term will be hers.

There’s no Republican candidate in this one either.


District 9

Now we’re headed all the way out to Hampshire, Burlington and Pingree Grove. With incumbent T. R. Smith term-limiting himself after three rounds, we have two new Republican faces entering the fray, Tom Koppie and Connie Von Keudell.

Once again, you can tell from that notary stamp that Koppie, a former Rutland Township road commissioner, is Chairman Lauzens choice, and I will give him credit for getting all of his 82 signatures himself.

Von Keudell is a former Chairman Karen McConnaughay holdout whose shown no capacity to win an election or comport herself in anything close to the kind of political manner that gets results. The last thing Kane County needs is to go back to the days of my favorite pay-to-play chairman.

With Smith’s endorsement – especially in Del Webb – considering his work ethic, Koppie should win.

Since no Democrat could win this district, none is running!


District 11

Board member John Martin is running against Democratic newcomer Jody Kalikula. Again, I harbor no ill will towards Ms. Kalikula, but John has proven to be one of the best board members I’ve ever encountered anywhere and there’s no way a Democrat wins in that Geneva based district.

John has clearly earned a second term.


Yikes! With the LSAT looming large tomorrow and relaxation the order of my day, it looks like we’ll have to save the second half of the County Board race analysis for Monday. Until then!


Say it ain’t so Lark!

C’mon! The good guys shouldn’t resign!

Head Kane County Juvenile prosecutor, Lark Cowart, a 14 year KCSAO staffer, just gave her notice today. She will stay on as long as necessary to ensure a smooth transition.


As my regular readers know, I hold Ms. Cowart in the highest esteem and frequently point to her as an example of the best our State’s Attorney’s office has to offer.

She is a brilliant attorney, one of the most perceptive people I’ve ever met, she actually has a conscience, but most of all, she has a heart in system that doesn’t reward having a heart. She’s so dedicated to Kane County children that she’s regularly worked on the kind of abuse cases that would reduce most of us to a pile of microwaved Jello.

Her commitment to real justice is one of the reasons I’m going to law school. In fact, I’ve been so blown away by her right-end-of-the-bell-curve competence, that I’ve successfully recruited her to run for judge – when the time is right. And she’ll be a bleepin’ great judge.

In the end, Lark Cowart’s sanity gain, is Kane County’s massive loss. She is truly irreplaceable.

2 thoughts on “Quick Hits – December 1, 2017

  1. So what’s up with Dalton? This guy has to go, he’s slamming guys in jail without ever hearing both sides. Most of these guys have no leg to stand on for help because in his courtroom every man is a deadbeat, whether they can work or not. Child support Social Justice allows him to destroy too many and he knows it. Would love to share with you from guys that are locked up losing jobs because of his one-sided constitution he lives by.

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