On the entitlement mindset of too many Geneva teachers

On the entitlement mindset of too many Geneva teachers

There is plenty to be learned even from a bad teacher – what not to do, how not to be. – J.K. Rowling

I keep tryin’ to tell you bleeps that truth is exponentially stranger than fiction, but considering your propensity to ignore that admonition, this might just be the story to finally convince you. If it isn’t, then nothing will!

It would seem that a D304 Geneva French teacher harbored a fascinating propensity for posting some rather foul-mouthed Tik Tok rants, the most infamous of which conveyed her vast disdain for a grandmother who refused to wear a mask at an out-of-district high school concert.

You might want to cover your children’s eyes before proceeding:

And I’m like, am I going to have to fucking throw down with this bitch? Because I deal with this in school all day long and I’ll fuckin’ throw down. They bitch and moan about having to wear their masks and ‘We’re living in fear and all this crap.’ Whatever. And I stare at her and I go, ‘Are you kidding me right now? Like, we’re at a high school choir concert. Is this really where you want to start shitting and be a fucking asshole?’

I’d print more, but I sure you get the gist of it by now. Let’s just say that after watching the entire video I began to question my legendary cussing capacity.

That may have been the only social media screed the newspapers reported, but it wasn’t nearly the only one issued. Nope! There was another referring to Geneva High School seniors as “pussies” for having their parents call them in as absent on senior ditch day, and my personal favorite, a video accusing all of the fathers of “staring at her breasts” for the Curriculum Night.” duration.

As far as that last one goes, let’s just say someone’s vastly overestimating their “appeal.”

The funny thing is these videos would actually be funny – particularly the one about senior ditch day – if they were posted by a hyperbole-prone columnist or a retired educator. But the fact that a D304 teacher thought she could do this without fear of any backlash is so far beyond the pale that, prior to this revelation, I couldn’t have even imagined the possibility.

But she did do it and it’s the best evidence of my 15-year theory that a plurality of Geneva teachers maintain a massive entitlement mindset that too often mistakes a tail wind for talent.

Yes! D304 is a decent school district in great part because of some truly terrific teachers and administrators. But a generally engaged parent base that places a premium on education is equally responsible for those more-than-reasonable test scores. As I’ve previously declared, I’d be willing to bet good money the majority of Geneva teachers wouldn’t last two weeks in East Aurora or certain U-46 schools.

Think about it! This teacher willfully created a series of expletive laden videos laying waste to anyone in D304 who failed to amuse her and then she plastered them all over social media. She even had student Tik Tok followers for god’s sake! And the fact she thought it was OK belies an arrogance that’s very difficult to fathom.

What’s worse is, I’m convinced many of her peers and the Geneva Education Association (teachers union) knew about it but did nothing to stop it. I’m not saying they should’ve reported her to the District, but wouldn’t you think some concerned soul would’ve said, “Unless you want to singlehandedly destroy D304’s reputation and commit career suicide, you might want to start avoiding social media and take the existing videos down!”

But that clearly didn’t happen.

The best proof that this scenario was no secret is I’ve known about it for the better part of three weeks. My second source was a grocery store checkout clerk who recognized me while ringing me up, please don’t tell me other teachers and the union didn’t know because they did and they did nothing about it.

For all of the beyond-obvious reasons, wouldn’t you think the Union would’ve done their damndest get ahead of this because I’ll certainly be reminding you of this abject insanity when contract negotiating time rolls around again.

The District correctly condemned this teacher’s bizarre behavior in an email to parents and this is the School Board’s response to my request for comment:

…The Board does want to reiterate that District values are not necessarily represented by individual employees. The Board is hopeful that the incident will be a reminder to all in the district, including our students, that social media content is powerful and must be treated as such. Each individual must recognize the social responsibility and individual accountability that is attached to posts in public social media accounts. Social media is a part of the social construct and a way our world communicates. Our mission states that “We are effective communicators and productive citizens.” This is something adults must model in order for students to learn and implement.  

The Board and I may not see eye-to-eye on much these days but we’re certainly in agreement here.

GEA head Kevin Gannon also responded to my request for comment, but he sidestepped making a statement by trying to tell this was a privates matter. Really? That possibility abruptly ended when that first video hit social media. And, make no mistake, the Union’s continued silence in this regard is tantamount to condoning this behavior.

To be clear, I was NOT asking Mr. Gannon to comment on any potential District discipline, just the act of posting those videos itself.

Of course, we can’t forget the social media idiots, who by erroneously asserting this teacher’s First Amendment rights, convinced themselves she should’ve suffered no repercussions. So, here’s what I want those brilliant bleeps to do tomorrow morning! Storm into your boss’s office and tell her exactly what you think about her in no uncertain terms. Then get back to me on how that “discussion” went.

Was she beaten by law enforcement? Was she threatened with arrest and jail? Of course not! I’ll say it again! Freedom of speech in no way grants the speaker the freedom from the consequences of that speech. Seeing the handwriting on the wall, in an effort to avoid be fired, our French teacher resigned early last week.

Before we sign off, in an effort to stave off yet another dispensing the baby with the bathwater accusation, please recall that I penned a piece in which I named each and every one of the D304 teachers, staff, and administrators who were instrumental in providing my two sons with far more than a basic education. I’d link that column here, but it didn’t make the First Ward hosting service switch cut.

The bottom line? If provided a second chance, I would not move to Geneva again in great part because of the inexplicable arrogance of so many of D304 educators and particularly the union. If you still doubt my entitlement mindset mien, then please watch those videos. Nothing ever disappears on social media, so they aren’t very difficult to find.

As far as my entitlement mindset theory goes, I rest my case.

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