The need to plumb the unconscious to explain ongoing racial gaps arises for one reason: It is taboo in universities and mainstream society to acknowledge intergroup differences in interests, abilities, cultural values, or family structure that might produce socioeconomic disparities.
― Heather Mac Donald, The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture
It what appears to have become a First Ward trend, we’re gonna start this two-part series with the ending and work our way back to the beginning. Because when have you ever heard of a business, municipal, or school district diversity audit coming back with a report finding everything’s generally good?
You really don’t need to answer that question because I can unequivocally tell you that it’s NEVER happened and it NEVER will. Should any such diversity consultant or committee make that kind of reasonable determination it would swiftly render their sanctimonious existence obsolete.
Not only are these charlatans incentivized to find all manner of “institutionalized racism/homophobia,” but they also stand to benefit from issuing the kind of specious claims that inevitably make the problem worse than it already is. It’s the most amazing form of “job security” I’ve ever witnessed.
Put more simply, today’s diversity initiatives are nothing more than the equivalent of an old west traveling medicine show offering progressive white folks the perfect “solution” to finally feel good about themselves.
So, let’s examine how every last one of the Tri-Cities is falling prey to this absurd form of overly “woke” extortion.
Last December, when they clearly had nothing else to worry about, St. Charles D304 hired the Consortium for Educational Change to do a district “equity audit” to the taxpayer tune of 45 grand. They just finished gathering survey input, and I don’t know about you, but the suspense is killing me. I can’t imagine what their report is gonna say.
According to D303 “Diversity Coordinator” Tracy Taylor, who rakes in another $132,000 in salary and benefits, the purpose of the “audit” is, “to ensure every student has access to and participates in meaningful learning opportunities that result in positive outcomes, regardless of individual characteristics or group membership.”
You mean that wasn’t the plan before?
And let me tell you, that “mission statement” has become the envy of Illinois politicians everywhere who fervently wish they could say that kind of nothing every time they spoke. D303 could’ve strung 25 random words together and that message would still mean more than that ambiguous declaration. Ain’t it funny how none of these diversity pledges begin to describe exactly how they’re going to “ensure” or accomplish absolutely anything because that would mean the end of their jobs.
Oh! And for reference purposes, Ms. Taylor is black because we scurrilous inherently racist white folks are implicitly incapable of dealing with any diversity issue on any level. Imagine the holy hell that would be unleased if any school district maintained a “whites only” position.
If progressives ever really listened to themselves talk they’d be horrified by what they heard.
Not to be outdone, a group of 50 Batavia teachers sent an email to their School Board demanding the district “do something about the racist, homophobic, and transphobic incidents that plague our district.” Plague? Really? And people have the nerve to say I overuse hyperbole.
But that’s progressives. It’s always worse than it’s ever been.
Those fine Batavia educators went as far as accusing those dastardly D101 administrators of purposely failing to respond to their e-missive until a local newspaper uncovered the email response inviting those teachers to meet with senior administrators.
No irony there, right? Of course it was those teachers who failed to respond to the district because diversity committees really don’t want to solve the problems they’re all too happy to create.
Look, I’m not saying our high schools don’t have tolerance issues, because they do. But the legitimate underlying dynamic is brilliantly described by my favorite quote, “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” It’s not always about racism or homophobia.
By their very nature, high school students – and particularly the male variety – are such complete idiots that I can’t begin to understand why our species didn’t go extinct some centuries ago. Those who are different – in any way – have and will always be subject to abuse and it’s the district’s job to mitigate and minimize it whenever possible.
Furthermore, every school has anti-bullying policies in place, so if gay, transgender, or minority students are being intimidated, hose incidents should be fully addressed under the existing rules. Because to create a special “committee” or to hire a “diversity coordinator” only serves to foster a narcissistic victimhood that perpetuates the notion that these kids really are “different” and they’re somehow substandard individuals who can’t begin to handle life’s stark realities.
These children will eventually have to face the real world where there won’t be a cloying, patronizing, and self-righteous group of Batavia teachers hovering to “protect” them. And this adolescent high school BS is the perfect opportunity to learn how to contend with the plethora of stupid people who plague this planet.
It would seem that I have a lot more faith in these children than their teachers do.
“Oh! but we need a special committee.” Really? When do I get my “special committee” for intemperate old bald foul-mouthed liberal white semi-autistic ADHD males with bad knees who drink a little too much?
See how ridiculous it sounds when I put it in those terms?
We’ll proceed with part two and the worst example of this insanity, the City of Geneva’s Diversity and Equity committee, next Tuesday. Geneva’s motto really oughtta be “We’ll Never Fail to Disappoint You!”
“audit” is, “to ensure every student has access to and participates in meaningful learning opportunities that result in positive outcomes, regardless of individual characteristics or group membership
This is outstanding Every student gets a learning opportunity that results in a positive outcome. I see a whole lot of valedictorians in the future. All learning opportunities result in positive outcomes. Hell I wish they had that when a flunked chemistry, that was not a positive outcome. And this happens regardless of individual characteristics or group membership. I guess the characteristic of being a wise ass would not have been held against me. Lucky kids today. And group memberships no longer a problem. Jeff do you think that true for all? I figure Latin Kings, Latin Counts, Italian Playboys and 4 Corner Hustlers might get a break but what about the Proud Boys?
Nope! The Proud Boys are white!