Am I getting old or does it seem that bars cost municipalities more money than they bring in?

Am I getting old or does it seem that bars cost municipalities more money than they bring in?

You can read Monday’s Courier-News column here
Former KC Chronicle editor Greg Rivara and I had  a lengthy debate on this topic, but my feeling is, if liquor licensees won’t give you respect, then you may as well turn to fear. And I wholeheartedly support St. Charles Mayor Don DeWitte doing just that.
After asking the bars to do a better job of policing themselves in regards to overserving patrons, there were 9 separate first weekend of August police calls in that regard, four of which resulted in arrests. So the Mayor is threatening to cut their hours back to a 1 a.m. closing time.
That oughtta get their attention! And it didn’t take a whole lot of city resources to do it either.

One thought on “Am I getting old or does it seem that bars cost municipalities more money than they bring in?

  1. I really don’t like the term “over-served”. It implies that the people doing the drinking have no responsibility. We used to use this term years ago…. as a joke.
    Arrest or fine the people causing the problems.

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