New Year’s is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug
Year: 2019
The Christmas letter I’d actually like to get
Sending Christmas cards is a good way to let your friends and family know that you think they’re worth the price of a stamp. –
A Curmudgeon on Christmas!
I hate Christmas. The mall is full of nothing but women and children. All you hear is, ‘I want this,’ ‘Get me this,’ ‘I have
Quick Hits – December 20, 2019
Fake news? Though I’ve come to despise that term, I understand why it’s caught on. Borne of eternally receding newsrooms, local newspapers don’t even pretend
Quick Hits – In memory of Mike Donahue
Journalism is a very strange profession. It’s a lot like sitting at a desk with a typewriter on a rock in the middle of an
Quick Hits – We expect way too much of our schools
As a result of my December 2, 2019 column on the Tribune’s and Pro Publica’s take on Illinois school district quiet rooms, Montgomery, Illinois, State
Quick Hits – December 13, 2019
Can you say “perjury?” I knew you could! It took a rather circuitous FOIA route from the Elgin City Clerk’s office to the Kane County
Quick Hits – December 11, 2019
With the local races covered, let’s catch up on some old stories! The walls are closing in on Judge John Dalton Throughout my coverage of
Quick Hits – Election 2020 Part 3!
Alright! Let’s finish this series off because I got other bleep to write about. To that end, today we’ll be discussing all the state rep
Quick Hits – Election 2020 Part 2!
Alright! Now that we’ve covered the Kane County only races, let’s move on to their higher compatriots: 14th Congressional You’d a thunk Republicans would’ve learned