Pandemic panic porn refuses to die
Those doomed to repeat history Illinois public health officials, medical professionals, and the press are at it again. Convinced the sky is plummeting earthward one more time, they’re issuing end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it proclamations due to just 10 percent of eligible Illinoisans availing themselves of the bivalent COVID booster shot intended to tackle the omicron variants.
Since they refuse to even glance in the direction of the bathroom mirror, these nincompoops are, of course, blaming us for our inexplicable indifference to the disease and particularly their renewed ego-bound propositions.
But why wouldn’t we ignore yet another COVID “surge” prognosis when none of their previous prognoses panned out? It’s simple cause and effect. When you cry “wolf” as often as they have, people stop listening.
Rest assured, it’s all about ego and the enormous amount of attention they received during the worst of the pandemic. And we know this from their absurd over-the-top reaction to President Biden’s recent the plague is over declaration, which was far worse than you might happen when you steal a pacifier from a baby.
Why, those halcyon university medical professors summarily embarked upon a collective hissy fit by insisting the plague wasn’t over until they say it was and the worst is yet to come. Then, as if on cue, global COVID cases plunged by 11 percent with their associated deaths dropping by another 18 percent.
That kind of hard evidence won’t begin to deter them deter them, either. After years of being ignored by the morbidly obese American public, they’re so addicted to the press hanging on their every word they can’t let go of it. So, just like a heroin addict requires an ever-increasing amount of the drug to get high, their persistent prognosticative failures won’t stop them from issuing the even more dire proclamations required to get that bigger fix.
But here’s what really bothers me. It’s been almost three long years into the pandemic era and I still haven’t heard a single medical pundit/professional attest that putting the fork down, drinking less Jack, and a moderate exercise program will do far more for your immune system than any COVID booster possibly could. And they won’t say it because, in their hearts, they want the plague to persist because they can’t face that inevitable return to the anonymity they so richly deserve.
Ignore all of ‘em folks. And unless you or a family member are at risk, there’s no need to get another shot.
And speaking of masks….
First, I have no issue with Kane County 11th district board candidate Leslie Juby as a person. We’ve had some rather pleasant conversations in the pasts. It’s that she’s been a nightmare as an elected official and that can’t continue.
Second, as previously indicated here, if you choose to wear a mask at Meijer, you won’t get an ounce of grief from me. But if, like candidate Juby, you’re running for a major county office and you’re the only one on the dais – and in the forum audience – wearing a mask, that should automatically disqualify you from public service, particularly when you’re wearing a useless cloth mask.
“But Jeff! She might have an at-risk family member.”
Then she shouldn’t be running for office! The essence of the electoral process means that you’ll exposed to exponentially more people than you’d otherwise encounter. And did I say that a cloth mask provides absolutely no protection against that?
“But Jeff! It shows that she cares about people.”
No, it doesn’t! Our elected officials purport to be leaders and the last thing we want from our leaders is the inability to follow any form of real science, the failure understand that the mitigations set children back years and didn’t save a single life, or the kind of nanny-state pandering that wearing a mask on a debate dais entails.
For all things holy, please vote for Brian Jones for county board 11.
If ACT scores get any lower they’ll be reported in fractions
This is exactly why we don’t want to elect candidates who insist on wearing masks in public.
The latest remote learning and mandted mask wearing fallout comes in the form of ACT scores plummeting to a thirty-year low. And they did so in grand fashion with the average score coming in under 20 (19.8 out of 36) for the first time since 1991. Worse yet – and this boggles the mind – a record 42 percent of class of ’22 ACT test takers met none of the college benchmarks in math, science, reading, or English.
So, as a result of this abject mitigation stupidity, almost half of our children aren’t prepared for any form of collegiate success and that’s far more terrifying than a pandemic on its worst day.
The ACT ain’t exactly a difficult test, either. Despite readers consistently calling my intellect into question, with no preparation whatsoever, I managed to get a 28, which means securing at least a 22 shouldn’t be a problem for anyone.
This increasing evidence against the mitigations is why you won’t see Governor Pointless or any school board member take credit for – or even mention – supporting them, despite their dogged and very public determination to do so at the time.
To quote The Boss:
What if what you do to survive
Kills the things you love
Fear’s a powerful thing, baby
It can turn your heart black, you can trust
It’ll take your God-filled soul
And fill it with devils and dust
And speaking of devils, Father Pfleger is done!
When the DOA Podcast first covered the self-aggrandizing Father Michael Pfleger’s suspension from Chicago’s St. Sabina parish over 2021 sexual abuse allegations, co-host Jeff Meyer and I made it clear that just one allegation – even on the part of two brothers – does not a sexual predator make.
With that stipulation issued, we also noted how the consequences that would inevitably befall anyone “foolish” enough to come out against this high-profile priest only made those allegations more believable. Jeff and I agreed that if Pfleger really was a serial abuser, more victims would come forward despite the virulent attacks the St. Sabina “faithful” leveled against the original accusers.
Now, just like clockwork, we have four alleged victims. The third came forward to support the brothers a couple of months after they made their initial claim, but he refused to pursue any legal action and nothing came of it.
But the fourth, a 40-something man who recently came forward to claim Pfleger sexually abused him twice in the St. Sabina rectory during choir rehearsals in the late ‘80s, veers directly into beyond any reasonable doubt territory. His story sounds strikingly similar to the previous three, so, once again, Pfleger has been removed from the Parish pending an internal investigation.
Pfleger maintains his innocence claiming that, since the attorney for this new accuser also represented the original two, it’s nothing more than a vendetta. So, what did this lawyer do? Scour the parish registry for children who attended St. Sabina’s during the appropriate time frame and convince them to come up with false charges?
If that really were the case, any self-respecting and savvy scammer would pick a low-profile clergyman from a non-descript parish who wouldn’t be able to generate nearly the same kind of backlash.
Please remember that Pfleger continues to be deemed legally innocent until a judge decides otherwise. So, we’ll have wait and see if these new charges stick, particularly when the Church has a vested interest in seeing that they don’t.
Considering my vast disdain for the man apart from any abuse claims, I’ve been very careful about issuing any verdicts in this truly sad regard. But with this fourth accusation, I firmly believe Father Pfleger is just another serial sex abuser priest who needs be permanently removed from St. Sabina’s and the Catholic Church with a long jail residency to follow.