… make your Thursday afternoon that much better!
On today’s show, not only will we answer caller Joan’s referendum questions, but the Smiling Conservative and I will host a mini-candidate forum featuring Elgin City Council challengers Fred Moulton and Kyle Scifert!
Using a non-debate format, we’ll ask the candidates to answer a number of open ended questions intended to elicit their best thoughts on The City in The Suburbs. If you come up with a question we missed, please call the show at 847-931-1410 and producer Dave will do his damndest to get it on the show.
That’s Left, Right and You with the Smiling Conservative, Larry Jones, and me, the Liberal Curmudgeon, Mondays from 9 to 10 a.m. and Thursdays from 3 to 4 p.m. on WRMN AM1410. We’ll see you there!